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Unified platform for Ad inventory monetisation

Written by Suvi Leino | Mar 14, 2024 1:29:36 PM

Navigating the complexities of digital advertising, especially when managing and optimising ad revenues across multiple channels, remains a significant challenge.

The influx of tools to assist ad inventory sellers has grown as the digital landscape continuously evolves. While these tools offer a range of features designed to improve monetisation efforts, the abundance of options can sometimes lead to confusion and operational inefficiency. 

This situation begs the question: Is there a more streamlined approach?


The Unified Platform

Imagine a scenario where managing ad sales is more straightforward, efficient, and cost-effective. This is the vision behind the Unified Platform, a comprehensive solution crafted to transform ad inventory monetisation. 

Here's a closer look at the key advantages of embracing this approach:

  • Simplification and Efficiency: The unified approach consolidates features into one platform, reducing costs and complexity. This clarifies operations and improves revenue optimisation. Additionally, it provides a clear view and better control over ad sales, promoting more effective decision-making.
  • Tailored Support and Flexibility: A unified platform provides holistic support, streamlining the resolution of any issues and optimising ad inventory strategies. Its customisable nature ensures it can be adapted to meet the specific needs of each user, offering a level of flexibility crucial in the fast-paced digital advertising sector.
  • Innovating and Adapting Quickly - An integrated set of features enables users of a unified platform to respond to market shifts quickly, explore new innovative monetisation strategies, and conduct effective testing. This agility and testing capability are crucial for maintaining competitiveness and identifying and capitalising on emerging opportunities.


Introducing Relevant Yield

Relevant Yield is a prime example of what a unified platform can offer. 

With an extensive array of features designed to enhance ad inventory monetisation and elevate revenue generation, Relevant Yield simplifies the monetisation process. From automating laborious tasks to unlocking new ways to augment inventory value, the platform is geared towards making ad monetisation more streamlined and effective.

Additionally, Relevant Yield introduces advanced testing capabilities, allowing for effective multivariate testing to fine-tune monetisation strategies. The feature is instrumental in identifying the most effective approaches, ensuring optimal technical performance and ad revenue generation.


Relevant Yield solves key ad monetisation challenges, such as:

  • Centralised view for monitoring ad sales and all critical metrics.
  • Straightforward, no-code approach to managing header bidding.
  • Enhanced performance and yield through the analysis of real-time auction data.
  • Server-side and in-app monetisation, ad refresh, history data, forecasting, 3P cookie alternatives, and more, with comprehensive control over all sales channels.


Relevant Yield is a platform that effectively serves the needs of various organisational levels due to its simplicity and customisable access rights.

It is aimed at ad sellers, publishers, and ad networks. Through in-depth advertising revenues and performance analyses, it offers valuable insights and facilitates decision-making for stakeholders such as CEOs and CFOs. Advertising sales teams, yield/monetisation managers, and ad operations specialists benefit from its features for tracking ad revenues, monitoring tech stack health, and developing sales strategies. At the same time, tasks that typically require technical expertise, such as managing header bidding, become simplified.

Overall, Relevant Yield enables effective response to and resolution of challenges in digital advertising sales and supports strategic planning and optimisation efforts.


Moving Forward with Unified Ad Monetisation

The journey towards efficient ad inventory monetisation is evolving, and with solutions like Relevant Yield, the path is becoming more straightforward and accessible. Opting for a unified platform means embracing a method that promises simplification, cost efficiency, and the flexibility to swiftly adapt to the changing digital advertising environment, coupled with the power of advanced testing methodologies to ensure the effectiveness of monetisation strategies.

Consider reaching out for further information to discover more about how Relevant Yield could revolutionise your ad monetisation strategy and help drive your revenue growth. This isn't just about adopting a new tool—it's about joining a movement towards a more integrated and efficient approach to digital ad sales.

If you're curious, leave a contact request here.