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Thuy Ho

Thuy Ho
Thuy’s role as a Sales Manager is to help our customers to solve their pain points with the help of the Relevant Yield.
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Tags: Relevant Digital, Relevant Yield, Event

Cannes Lions 2024: Trends And Highlights

Cannes Lions is a rather new event for Relevant Digital, as we didn’t fully attend until three years ago. However, I think it’s safe to say that we en...

by Thuy Ho on Jul 3, 2024 1:03:18 PM
Tags: Data, Privacy, Google, Cookies, Relevant Yield

Privacy Sandbox Topics API tests: Updated insights

Nearly six months have passed since Google reduced third-party cookie support for 1% of its Chrome traffic. Immediately after the support was removed,...

by Thuy Ho on Jun 13, 2024 12:39:00 PM
Tags: Programmatic, Publisher, Header Bidding, Ad Serving, Relevant Yield

How to simplify header bidding management?

Header bidding is one of the best and most common money-makers in programmatic advertising. It offers Publishers high yield and transparency, but its ...

by Thuy Ho on Jun 11, 2024 9:35:59 AM
Tags: Programmatic, Publisher, Ad Serving, Relevant Yield, API Insights

Mistakes to Avoid in Programmatic Selling?

Programmatic advertising began shaping up in the mid-2000s with the emergence of real-time bidding (RTB) technology. Over the past 15+ years, we've wi...

by Thuy Ho on Dec 7, 2023 5:50:27 PM
Tags: Relevant Digital, Relevant Yield, Event

DMEXCO 2023: Experiences and Highlights

Every year, Relevant Digital eagerly looks forward to DMEXCO, the place where we connect with all of the great minds in the digital advertising indust...

by Thuy Ho on Oct 4, 2023 10:58:04 AM
Tags: Programmatic, Publisher, Header Bidding, Ad Serving, Relevant Yield

Key takeaways from Prebid.js webinar: updates and roadmap

Prebid Server has been growing rapidly in popularity, but that doesn't stop Prebid JS from evolving. On May 25th, 2023, Prebid hosted a webinar to ann...

by Thuy Ho on May 30, 2023 5:19:33 PM
Tags: Programmatic, Publisher, Header Bidding, Ad Serving, Relevant Yield

Prebid Server - Development plans and potentials for revenue

With the ongoing changes in the programmatic advertising ecosystem, server-side has emerged as a crucial tool for publishers to optimise their adverti...

by Thuy Ho on Mar 20, 2023 3:27:08 PM
Tags: Programmatic, Publisher, Header Bidding, Ad Serving, Relevant Yield

Prebid's 2023 Trends

In 2022, programmatic advertising continued to have a significant impact on publishers, offering them a more efficient and automated way to sell ad in...

by Thuy Ho on Feb 1, 2023 3:30:00 PM

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