
Tips for a Successful Ad Server Migration

  • May 15 2017
  • Suvi Leino

Are you considering to change ad server? Ad server migration and implementation requires ad management skills and a thorough knowledge of ad operation and trafficking. And ad server set-ups are one of the most important structures in a publisher’s business. At Relevant, our consultants have helped many clients maintain successful businesses throughout the years. We like to share some important tips based our experience of severals migration projects.

1 - Choose tools that fit best to your needs

When a publisher chooses an ad server they should take their time to properly evaluate the options and choose the one that offers the features they needs. What each publisher needs varies and one ad server may be a good fit for some while a different one may require different features, so they may go with a different solution. Some of the things a publisher should consider when choosing an ad server are: what type of ad server features are offered, ad unit types supported (banner, video, mobile, native, etc), do they offer RTB and Private Exchange, how is the UI, how stable is the product and do they have local customer support which can provide help when you need it and within reasonable response time.

2 - Don't do it all by yourself

Usually it is most cost effective to ask help from experienced professionals rather than trying to investigate and handle everything by yourself. Adserver integration and implementation requires ad management skills and a thorough knowledge of ad operation and trafficking. Someone have to take lead and responsibility for the project - the good project manager keeps the project organized and your teams informed and happy. So don’t underestimate the need for an experienced project manager - This is really is one of the key factors for a successful ad server migration.

3 - Good plan is the key - be realistic

Often, the project has to be done as quickly as possible. Nothing’s wrong about speed, but when making a plan, it is necessary to be realistic and take into account all the tasks required. A project plan describes timetable and steps to implementation, and often describes individual roles of employees who are involved in carrying out various elements of the project. The project plan is useful for keeping all elements of the task on track and serves as a system for checks and balances to ensure that everyone, involved in the project, is in the loop. Assign key people to various project tasks. Make sure these individuals are qualified, have proper knowledge or guidance available and have a firm understanding of the role you expect them to play in the project. Set deadlines and make project team members aware of them. Deadlines should be reasonable and achievable from the beginning.

4 - Communicate

Ad server migration is more than tools and processes. It’s also about people and working with them. That's why the important part of successfully completing a project is communication. Keep focus on the project, the milestones, the goals, and how you’re working together to meet them. If you experience that something’s going the wrong direction, or you’re unsure there are some unexpected problems, share the concern with the project team and discuss to quickly find to move on. Don’t hesitate to ask for help, it is difficult to stay on schedule if you try to handle every challenge alone. There’s never too much communication, but it’s the surest way to fail is without it.

5 - Enjoy the project

You're doing it for all the right reasons after all. The project can feel painful from time to time and takes time, resources and patience. It feels like it never is the right time to start or there’s enough time for ad server migration but it’s done, when it’s done and often it is worth the effort. With an experienced team it's easy to enjoy the project and it’s results.

Are you considering moving from one ad server to another? Our consultants have helped many clients maintain successful businesses throughout the years with (among others) Cxense Display, Adtech AOL, Admeta, DoubleClick for Publishers and Smart Adserver. If you need help for choosing your ad server or setting it up, we are here for you.

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