
Podcast: How to thrive in the cookieless present (and future) with shared IDs

  • September 20 2022
  • Suvi Leino
How does Universal ID work when third-party cookies are going to be history?

Olli Järvilehto, COO of Relevant Digital, was visiting our partner ID5's Podcast series, where industry experts share their experiences and thoughts on ID strategies as we move towards a cookie-free future. The purpose of the podcast series is to open up to its listeners experiences of the implementation and tests of ID solutions, in order to more widely share experiences of what works and what doesn't.

In episode 3 of the series, Olli Järvilehto talks about the comprehensive ID5 pilot, which was made together with ID5, Piano DMP, Adform DSP, Matterkind, and Relevant Yield. Learn all about how we saw a reach increase of over 100% in Safari in both mobile and desktop environments thanks to the ID5 ID.

Listen to an interesting 30-minute podcast episode here or on Spotify here. You can also find other episodes of the series on Spotify.



ID5 was created to improve online advertising for consumers, media owners and advertisers, with the ultimate goal to help publishers grow sustainable revenue. By providing a comprehensive, efficient and privacy-compliant solution to identify users, ID5 benefits the entire Open Web. By working with ID5, publishers address their audiences better, advertisers run effective and measurable campaigns, and platforms maximize the value of digital advertising across all environments.

More information about ID5 and its solutions at:


Relevant Yield

Relevant Yield enables digital publishers and networks to manage and improve their advertising revenues. Relevant Yield offers an independent, vendor agnostic header bidding wrapper solution combined with prebid analytics and revenue reporting from any demand channels. Relevant Yield is used by media houses and their sales partners across the world. Using a tool like Relevant Yield, it's easy to implement shared IDs, test them, and measure their functionality. Read more about Relevant Yield here.


For more information:

Relevant Digital: Olli Järvilehto, +358 44 378 8037, olli.jarvilehto(a)

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